NCERT CLASS 6 GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER- 2 [GLOBE: LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES] Earth is slightly flattened at the north and the south poles and bulge in the middle. Globe is a true model of the earth. Earth rotates from west to east. Equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal parts The northern half of the earth is Northern Hemisphere. The southern half of the earth is Southern Hemisphere. All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallel of latitudes. Latitudes are measured in degrees. Equator represents the zero degrees latitude. 90degree north latitude marks the North Pole and 90degree south latitude marks the South Pole. Distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the earth, 1/4th of 360, i.e, 90degree. All parallels north of the equator are called ‘north latitudes’. All parallels south of the equator are called ‘south latitudes’. Four important parallels of latitudes- ...
NCERT notes for UPSC CSE 2021/2022.