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NCERT CLASS 6 GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER- 2 [GLOBE: LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES]   Earth is slightly flattened at the north and the south poles and bulge in the middle. Globe is a true model of the earth. Earth rotates from west to east. Equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal parts The northern half of the earth is Northern Hemisphere. The southern half of the earth is Southern Hemisphere. All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallel of latitudes. Latitudes are measured  in degrees. Equator represents the zero degrees latitude. 90degree north latitude marks the North Pole and 90degree south latitude marks the South Pole. Distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the earth, 1/4th of 360, i.e, 90degree. All parallels north of the equator are called ‘north latitudes’. All parallels south of the equator are called ‘south latitudes’. Four important parallels of latitudes-       ...


  NCERT CLASS-6 GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER-5 [MAJOR LANDFORMS OF THE EARTH]     Landforms are a result of two processes.        = within the earth continuous movement is taking place. The 1st or the internal process leads to the super lift net and sinking of the earth’s surface at several places. A hill is a land surface that rises higher than the surrounding area.        = generally, a steep hill with an elevation of more than 600m is termed as mountain. The 2nd or the external process is the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface. The wearing away of the earth’s surface is called erosion. Different landforms depending on elevation and slope- mountains, plateaus and plains. Mountain is any natural elevation of the earth surface.        = may have a small summit and a broad base. In some mountains, there are permanently frozen rivers of ice, called glaciers. Some mountains are under sea. Mountains arra...


  NCERT CLASS- 6 GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER- 8 [INDIA: CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE]     The main seasons recognised in India are:-                     — Cold weather season (winter)- December to February.                     — Hot weather season (summer)- March to May.                     — Southwest monsoon season (rainy)- June to September.                     — Season of retreating monsoon (autumn)- October to November. Cold weather season or winter                  = Sun rays do not fall directly in the region.                  = Temperature are quite low...