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  • India has all major physical features of the earth i.e, mountains, plains, deserts, plateaus and islands.
  • Theory of plate tectonics- The crust (upper part) of the earth has been formed out of 7 major and some minor plates.
  • Movement of these plates results in building up of stresses within the plates and the continental rocks above leading to folding, faulting and volcanic activity.
  • Plate movements- 3 types- 

                = some plates come towards each other and form convergent boundary.

                = some plates move away from each and form divergent boundary.

                = some plates move horizontally past each other and form transform boundary.

  • Oldest landmass (the peninsular part), was part of the Gondwana land.
  • Gondwana land includes India, Australia, South Africa, South America and Antarctica as one single land mass.
  • Gondwana land- southern part of ancient super continent Pangea with Angara land int eh northern part.
  • The Himalayan uplift out of the Tethys sea and subsidence of the northern flank of the peninsular plateau resulted in the formation of a large basin.
  • Peninsular plateau one of the most stable land blocks.
  • Himalayan mountains form an unstable zone.
  • The peninsular plateau, composed of igneous & metamorphic rocks with gently rising hills and wide valleys.
  • Major physiographic divisions of India- 

               1. The Himalayan mountains

               2. The Northern Plains

               3. The Peninsular Plateau

               4. The Indian Desert

               5. The Coastal Plains

               6. The Islands



  • Geologically young, structurally fold mountains.
  • Mountains ranges run Ina west-east direction of about 2400 km.
  • Width varies from 400 km in Kashmir to 150 km in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Altitudinal variation greater in eastern half than those in the western half.
  • Consists of 3 parallel ranges, a no. Of valleys lies between these ranges.
  • Northernmost range, know as the Great or Inner Himalayas or the Himadri.

                = most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peak with an average height of 6000m.

                = folds of great Himalayas are asymmetrical in nature.  

                = core composed of granite.

                = perennially snow bound, and glaciers descend from this range.

  • Range lying to the south of Himadri, Himachal or lesser Himalayas.

                = composed of highly compressed and altered rocks.

                = Altitude varies between 3700 and 4500m, average width of 50km.

                = The Pir Panjal range forms the longest and the most important ranges, the Dhaula Dhar and

                   the Mahabharat ranges are prominent ones.

                = consists of the famous valley of Kashmir, the Kangra and Kullu valley in Himachal Pradesh.

                = well known for hill stations.


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